being in graduate school has really pared down our way of life. folks, the days of wine and roses are long gone and this is a great thing, actually.
when the kids were little, i could stop working at dinner and switch off for the rest of the evening. now, it is hitting the design projects and books after dindin when everyone and everything retires.
i lurve the reflection of the last remaining vintage dress form in this photograph. it is the one that got to stay when i was in dire need of some cake for this past spring tuition and had a beloved collection of dress forms to sell.
this weekend, we had our last garage sale. i think that it is the last, since we packed up the remaining bits and pieces and donated it all. this house is a finetuned machine now.
the firepit has been exchanged for the hillbilly tub and the kids christened it with the first fire of the season. what is superexciting is that i parked my car in the barngarage for the very first time ever. so love that.
the keeping is the fine line. a girl shouldn't be in total deprivation and there should be smidgeons of luxury and things that make you smile. this dress form reminds me of the healthy balance of life and luxury, the using of the good stuff that you have been saving and the complete awareness of time that you give yourself for a tiny break.
I love that: a finetuned home.
Oh, Dawn. I remember that garagebarn and how full of possibilities it was. How did you deal with the gaps?
Yes, yes, yes.
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