these vintage ornaments slay me. just looking at them makes me want to decorate the house for the holidays. for realz. i wanted to decorate last sunday but i would have beat even target on the holiday decorating. no bueno.
this will be the first year---ever---that i will be decorating with outside lights. when the kids were little, we would pack them up and walk to see all of the lights back in brooklyn and later packed them up in the car to do the windcrest tour of lights where everyone would try to outdo each other in the light department. i so wanted to be that person that hangs lights but never got around to stepping into those shoes until now. of course, all it took was a "momma, i want to decorate with lights this year." and there goes momma jumping into those shoes.
this echoes a conversation that i had with a colleague this week about kids. having my kids was the best thing that ever happened to me. being a mother made me who i am and i forget who that girl was before. it seems that God gave them to me then for now. they remind me to breathe and encourage me to twinkle. thank You for patina on vintage ornaments and twinkling children.
I can just imagine God smiling at your sweet and unique prayers. I love to read them.
And now you have me in the decorating mood too!
You always talk about your kids with such love and joy. It's a beautiful thing, Dawn. You're all lucky to have each other.
And yes, bring on the holiday decorating!! I walked down to the drugstore last night to get a few essentials and walked out with a tiny white bottle brush Christmas tree and another village figurine. :)
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