after work, we do what we have to do to get our butts to the river. the biggest problem of any summer day should be "where are my flipflops?"
b had requested fried chicken for our last picnic at the river. i meet any meal requests for the kids, but fried chicken made me hesitate. i hadn't made it in years. seriously, it was one of those moments of "what kitchen were we in when you made this last, mom?"
let's get this straight. i am a chickennurturer who names her chickens and clucks with them in the morning when i feed them. so, to have two huge tubs of chicken parts soaking in buttermilk was disturbing. your mind can't wrap its self around that is not chicken. v couldn't even look in the fridge. she would stick her arm in and feel around for her almond milk or fruit and quickly shut the door. s + b would look at that mixture and think 'when is dinner?'

once i started dredging it and frying it, i remembered my grandmother and all of the dinners that she made for her family and why she made it. more than likely, one of us begged her to do it and she did it.
and it tasted like chicken.

YUM! Chicken succulenced by buttermilk is the very best! Love that you served it in a "cake" box :-)
BTW, is your laundry room have a vacancy and what are the rates?
That laundry room better sleep three....
I haven't had or cooked fried chicken in forever too, and you're making me want it now. lol.
Your story made me think of once when a bottle-fed yearling calf got out during a storm, and got hit by a car. My mom and dad, being practical farm people and raising 3 boys and me on a state trooper's salary, proceeded to send her to the butcher's. The first time mom served up beef after we got it back, it took me a good 15 minutes to muster up enough strength and will to take a bite. After that, farm business as usual and the practical side of me came out the winner. LOL
BTW - that river looks even more delish than the chicken, if that's possible.
I think I recognize that spot. Is that the portion of the river that winds around a restaurant (can't remember its name) in SM? It does look so cool and refreshing!
The chicken looks yummy, too!!
I just had a chicken flashback. The first time I had my own chickens, we not only had laying hens but we raised 25 of those specially-for-meat birds. When the time came, I couldn't help butcher them, just couldn't. I never could eat them either. That was a lot of good chicken meat we gave away to friends, family. I would be a terrible farmer for real. I'm sure I'd have a lot of "pet" cows, pigs, and chickens!
When the local po-po made us get rid of our latest chicken family one of my practical friends said, "You should just butcher them and put them in your freezer...after all you've fed them for over a year." No freakin' way!! I found them a good home. Sigh
That river pic is great. Looks cool and inviting.
This is my favourite summer post.
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