the semester is officially over. grades have just been submitted on a borrowed computer on borrowed internet. my own final projects are turned in. if you stuck a fork in me, i would run clear. done.
we are going on three days without internet and i have a date with the internet dude right when i get off work. it has made us all realize how much we rely on it for work and study, but it has been kinda nice to be without it.
1) the poppies have been harvested and i have mommapride for my enterprising daughter who has set up her own nose in the books etsy shop to sell the pods and seeds from our organic garden.
2) the private lives of pippa lee hit me in the right spot. robin wright penn was remarkable. keanu reeves is in it and all i could think about during his scenes is that he is the new younger version of clint eastwood.
3) while waiting for the internet man to show up after work, i will be cleaning up after another crazy semester, file work, order my bookshelf after loads of research and wait for a big thunderstorm to tump me over.
4) i have all of the ingredients to make a big batch of our favorite hot chile pepper oil tomorrow. the kids are so excited. this stuff is amazing on everything.
5) organizing is on my brain and i have loads of projects to conquer before summer sessions start.
Thanks for the film recommendation. I've already added it to my queue.
Wow, are you busy or what?!
Those poppies are really neat looking!
Glad you had a good year for poppies. Mine was awful... I think my dogs took turns running over the emerging plants. Oh, well! :-)
Marilyn (in Dallas)
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