this weekend was the perfect mix of restoration and productivity. friday night was spent in the garden with friends and fireflies. a huge storm came through early saturday morning that washed the rocks and rocked the garden. unbelievably wonderful.
the weather has been incredible with the screen doors open and the fans whirring. this was the first weekend to really soak up the garden since the semester ended. with the intense winter, i thought i had lost my rangoon creeper (aka drunken sailor) which was a transplant from my old house, but surprisingly, it is alive and growing by leaps and bounds. my only confirmed loss was my variegated yucca.
the rest of the weekend was spent cleaning and organizing after the semester aftermath. another garage sale will be slated in a few weeks to clean the barn out.
hopefully, this week will hold the first of the tomato harvests. we have already harvested our first patty pan squash and basil. this black hollyhock is insane in the membrane. it is one of my favorites this season and i plan to plant more of it in and about the garden. she seems to pick up the glowbusiness where the fireflies left off from the weekend.
The drunken sailor is rally beautiful. I'd never seen one before. Is the flower on this posting a lenten rose?
Tomato harvesting??! Wow! And I was excited because I have flowers on the tomatoes I planted two weeks ago!
Gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen such a dramatic, intense color in a hollyhock.
Glad to hear everything, but one, made it through the crazy winter. Killer heat, rather than cold, is what reeks havoc in my garden!!
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