you know that it is just plain sad when you get your taxes into the taxman at the first of february just to will spring blooms to arrive. yep, taxes are in --- spring, show thyself.
after seeing all of the blizzard photos from back east, i am so grateful to be where i am. it sleeted yesterday and we are now being graced with cold rain. there are no complaints since the summer's drought was extremely brutal.
this week was one of those crazy weeks with classwork and the retrieval (and a few days of holding) of a baby chihuahua. i played shadchen for a babygirl that needed a loving home (she has an adorable brother that still needs a home. think about it.) and my sister who needed a baby chihuahua.
with planning of the trip to pick her up here, we decided to have a garage sale together. the weather was a sliver of amazement with 60s in the afternoon and went back to clouds and rain the following day. my garage is on its way to being totally cleaned out.*squeee!* it needs one more sale and it will be done.
v gathered jeans and donated to aeropostale's teens for jeans which is such a worthwhile cause. this year, the first 100,000 pairs of gently worn jeans are being shipped to haiti and the rest will be donated to homeless teenagers. donations will be taken through february 14th.
now, on to focusing on designing and writing with a pot of tea at hand while listening to the rain on the tin roof with an imaginary sprig of spring behind my ear.
One of these days I'm going to show up when you are having a garage sale. Yours would be worth flying cross country for.
I too am thankful that we had a mild winter and no snow this year. For the most part you guys have had colder temps than we have. But I am still ready for spring. Bring it on.
love you -
I, too, can't wait for those daffodils to poke through! Unfortunately, they now have to poke through 4 feet of snow!
PS Love the music!
I love your catchupstyle posts. :)
What an adorable babygirl. I'd so think about the brother if we weren't houseplanning...Zeus would love a little bro.
Love you, chica,
You've inspired me to tackle another closet today, which works out fine since I am home from work today after getting clobbered with 12.5 inches of snow!!! 12.5 inches in Dallas! :-O
I'm going to make the most of this day.
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