another paper was due today. after it was finished (and i took a shower to get thirdperson off of me), we went to the library so lil miz readingrainbow could stock up on more books to get her through friday. i am always looking for books to tempt me and sit there while i am working on projects, but today was different. i needed to ingest some firstperson to undo the devil's work of writing in thirdperson.
i picked up the slippery year by fluke and it is delightfully wonderful. melanie gideon writes like the longlost lovechild of david sedaris and chelsea handler, as if that could happen. please. i can't wait to read her next book even though the steam is still coming off of this one.
if you get a chance, pick it up and give it a whirl. she just might be your new girl.
I always felt sooo depleted after finishing a paper. Good for you for going to the library. I'll have to look into the book. I just finished reading SAVING CEE CEE HONEYCUTT by Beth Hoffman. This was her first novel; it is excellent!! I couldn't stop reading.
Always love your book recommendations, Dawnie. :)
Happy reading!
Hey Cutie
You've been on my mind and I just wanted to pop in and say "hey whazup?" Please send me your mailing addy--I feel the urge to send ya a little art girl love.
ps: totally diggin on your playlist!
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