this week was one of those weeks that blew so fast and blew so hard. every day was something...and i lived by daily lists of who, where and when. lucy mae had her twelve week shots&checkup and earned her first collar (with cherries, of course!) for not even knowing that she had two shots in her butt and for enduring the newly developed attention of picasso, our neutered horny chihuahua. you really haven't lived until you have witnessed a horny chihuahua doing the airhump. seriously. it beats the safety dance, anyday.
last night, i did check-in/chaperone at the 7th/8th grade dance and it pulls at your heart when you see all of the kids so grown up and so brave to even be there. growing up can be so painful, so embarrassing, so wonderful... and you have to be brave to do it. you have your preps, the nerds (who, by the way, will always rule!), the blackclumps (or as they like to be called 'the goths', who are totally the black wallflowers at their finest), the cliques and the jocks. i sub because i love those kids and it gives me a chance to say 'dude, you are totally rocking that fro!' or 'chica, you look so pretty today.' maybe, it gives them a tad bit stronger armor to the juniorhighness of it all. oh, and the dj rawked like he always does.
and now i face a weekend of work deadline, cleanup and an estate sale which i will persuade some sleepy girls to accompany me for the price of mere doughnuts.
nope! there's nothing like a chihuahua airhump dance! *giggle*
have fun estate sailing gal! *grin*
you go girl...happy estate shopping~missed you!
Chica, YOU rawk!!
Have fun. And stop tempting me with awwwwww photos of lucy mae...
awwwwww. smooch, woof, kiss
You are so good to be so cool with the kids :) I got helped by a wonderful cool-mom-of-a-friend in HS, and it will always touch my heart.
The humpety chihuahua is a classic and more than mildly amusing, I always think. Most always, anyway.
See ya
Sounds like you had fun being the chaperone!
Didn't you know that the word "chihuahua" is Spanish for "humpsomething"? It can also loosely be translated into "humpanything". Mz. Doña Rosita Carmelita Lucita Dolores del Flores Mia Diva Saucy Salsa Josie Cuervo Hackeysack will hump any of her many toys that are bigger than her. I think she has a plush fetish!!
LucyMae is getting more adorable every time I see her!!
Gad, I remember the junior high heebie jeebies we used to get whenever we went to a sock hop! (Does that date me??) A kind word always helped!
Love ya girliegirl
LMAO @ Picasso and Ginni's mamacita! I always thought girlie poochies were humpees, not humpers. **snicker** ;o) See...I learn stuff everyday! LucyMae reminds me of an Ewok....ya'll DO remember those adorablest critters from back in the day, right?! I thinks it's awesome that you contribute to the kids like that Dawn. I'd have given my eye teeth to have someone around like that when I was in jr. high! Sheesh, the angst!!!! lol
Girl, you rock! Reading your reasons for subbing is just awesome. I wish there were gobs more peeps out there like you that look out for kids like that. Warms my heart!
~ Jen (aka spicada)
Lucy Mae is growing up so fast. Soon she will be a teenager and then you will have a house full of them. ;-) We did the vet thing too last week with all three. Lots of fun. Have an awesome week!
ACK...7th-8th grade is such an awkward time! Sounds like you are paving the way and making it smoother for V and friends.
Big hugs for doing that!
what does your super-hero outfit look like?
I love your kindheartedness to junior highers. And that dog is going to get kidnapped if you keep showing her darling little face on your blog - remember, I know where you live!
your posts are 'da bomb!!! Make me giggle every time!!!
what a sweet pup! aaaaaah junior high dances. what memories they stir up.
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