this week was one of those clarifying string of seven days. it was the first time i really felt like a single parent and a single woman, although i have been one since the end of march. for the past six months, i think i was just paddling to keep our heads above water and now i am settling into my new skin and living that old enjoli commercial of bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a pan. yeah, the "i am a woman, minus the man, but watch me yawn" one.
friday, i actually did something that i haven't done in twentytwo years. i met friends at a pub. real live peoplefriends. and played darts on a dartboard that i actually have at home. real live peoplefriends. i made sentences, perfected my aim and found my new sport.
this may be the latte talking, but i am feeling like me again.
yesterday, i spent the day with all three of my kids and it rawked. i found this new old catfooddish at an estate sale and bought new darts (i am serious about this dart thang). sage asked me if i had seen the fountain. that movie is one of those that you either really hate or you really love. i loved it. he did, too, and we both agreed that i should make it a question in my pile of dusty questions for future manwinnowing.
so, i am off to do the yard before it gets too hot and make stuff. yeah, this latte really is tawking and it says the day is gonna rawk. oh, and before i forget, netflix sent me a free month offer to send to friends. if anyone wants to try it, email me and i will send you the invitation.
Hello from down the road in Dallas!
I am green with envy over those cat food holders. I stole your idea, but all I could find was some old christmas tins. Sure came in handy during the mouse crisis though.
Girl, don't write people off cuz they don't like The Fountain. I hated it!!! You wouldn't winnow me out, wouldya? Give the fountainhatinbrothers a chance.
I'm glad you're finding you. Wish I could come hang out witcha.
i watched the fountain twice. (once with doris just weeks prior...)
and will probably watch it again tonight after reading this post.
the message is so important &
the cinematography is mind blowing.
can't wait to play darts with you!!!
Oh Dawn, your mention of the enjoli woman brings back a flood of old-commercial-memories.
There is something, um, cathartic about darts. It also makes your arm STRONG. I'll bet the attraction is real, not the latte talking. You Dawnie you.
Er, I hated The Fountain. HATED. And I love Hugh Jachman. Fred loved it, though.
Dawn, thanks for giving me a title to add to my Netflix list! Hubby tends to hog it...only because I rarely find anything I want to see. lol
I remember that infernal Enjoli commercial too! lmao Too funny the ideas folks had....
hey girl,
i suppose i check in with you when i get most depressed. it's that piss 'n vinegar in you that i require, maybe? or, really, there are some people in this world, that, as you listen, you know yourself better? you are one of those.
good for you, with the darts, man.
real live people--i should try that. too many words and computer time is turning me handicap.
bullzeye, o.k.?
4 the pollster: HATED the fountain, but like your friend, could never find dispoint looking at HJ.
Hmmm. I must get a latte.
Oh geez, course you can link to me! I think I need a latte now too! lol I'll get my nose stud pix up this evening...mine's a little sparkly crystal. :0) I dunno about there being another Andie F. out there...lol I'll have to check it out!
Never saw the fountain, so no opinion here. I'm like Julie, I come here for the piss 'n vinegar too! You'se full of it! Hahaha.
I'd take you up on that Netflix thang, I just wish it were winter so I'd have time for movies. Maybe if you get another offer like that in a few months!
Manwinnowing! Love your dawneseverbosity, it rawks!
Hope you're as well as you sound!
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