before i forget, please bookmark the new wattsaving google called blackle.
anyway, back to scheduled programming, i got the dna results back yesterday. chewbacca really is my baby's daddy...and chew she does. there is a reason that God makes puppies so cute...it is so we don't give up on them. yesterday, lucy mae chewed (i didn't need the official results on that one!) every freaking motherofpearl button off my new old shirt. it is my the real housewives of orange county shirt that i found at an estate sale two weeks ago for $2, but i know the richgirl must have paid at least $150 for in some chic san antonio boutique. (san antonio gives good boutique, you guys.)
thankfully, she didn't damage the lace or the shirt...and i recovered all of the buttons and managed to sew them back on last night. then last night, we were chilling & watching E (solely so i could edumacate you on wattsaving skillz) and started to smell something. v thought it was me and i thought it was her...i got up and lucy mae had been transporting kittycrunchies from the litter box to my bedroom. she had them all in a row. yesterday was clearly one of those days why God made wine.

i am beginning to side with blossom when she says that cats are of the higher order. am off to get my morning coffee and to start working on projects. please stay tuned. i feel another goodiebagdrawing coming on.
Just like having a baby again, I tell you.
Only a baby that digs in poo.
LOL literally....
(i think coffee just escaped through my nose)
Cats are definitely of a higher order. ;p Have a great day!
I side with Blossom too.
Zeus claimed (and ruined) my favorite pair of sandals - they had just about graduated to yard shoes but I was looking forward to at least 3 more years of bestfriends to my feet.
Now they look like me before I have MY coffee...
Dang him...(she says as he gives her puppy kisses)
That image of Blossom speaks volumes! "Dogs are disgusting," she says.
You crack me up!
gal, your pictures of your babies are just so damn *cute*!! i want to give them kisses!!! *grin*
i hope your having a faB hump day!(wednesday)
Such precious babies. Kitty babies are infinitely more classy than puppy babies. You'd never catch a kitty baby with doggie dodo in it's mouth or in a line or anywhere!! But Lucy Mae is just too chewy-cute for words, anyway...even if she is a bit um...indelicate!!
I'm crackin up here...
OMG...too funny especially the part about being so darn cute that we overlook so MANY things. So True!
From yesterday..Oh, yeah, it's not fall until the 17 back to school issue is out.
Don't even get me started on how many episodes of Pimp my ride, cribs, Real World, The Bachelor, Flavo of Love, I love NY, beauty and the geek, rock of love I have sat through! ACK
Happy Thursday to ya.
Girly, those are called Kitty Rocca and they are a great delicacy in the doggie community. And I *knew* you'd get hooked on Rock of Love. Knew it. Sucka!
Oh, and I love your profile picture, you beautiful girl.
At least she doesn't eat the kittycrunchies -- my last doggie would eat them ,then throw them up all over MY bed. Fresh steaming kitty poop on my bed, and I don't even own a cat!!!! I'm commiserating with you on the buttons --and very happy that there was no permanent damage-- my puppy likes to make my undies all sexy by chewing strategic holes......
Lionel Sweeney;Robert Downey Jr. in FUR is the father of Numba1Son and Lucy Mae.
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