i had a collagenight two nights ago and have just posted this collage and a few others on my site and in my etsy shop. i was inspired by a friend who recently treated herself & her daughter to disneyland for the simple reason of "why not?" --- lisa, you are my new heroine.
thank you for shaking your heads with me on the kitty roca (fiwa, i love that term!) issue. i figured out a solution for keeping lucy mae out of the kitty box and this just might be the kittyequivalent of a man with a paper on the toilet...which then brings me to the question of" have you ever known a girl to take more than five seconds on the loo?" we girls are busy and have real shit to do.

(and before anyone gets their panties in a wad about cats being too close to a birdcage, the birds are fake.)
okay, so i am officially more excited about the premiere of la ink on august 7 on tlc than any catfight on vh1. check out kat's tattoo portfolio...she has always been my favorite tattoo artist, but can i get a 'hot dammmmmn'?

please bookmark my sewn, too. i will be adding more urban aprons on there as well.
so, in celebration of a kittyroca free floor , i am doing a drawing for a funtreat (a nonkittyroca one, trust me.) on this post. leave a comment (if anonymous, that's cool, just sign your name on it.) on this post. yes, the one that you are reading right now. i will draw a name in a week from today.
have a great weekend and go get a new lipgloss. you deserve it.
Love the collages, the sparkly letter adds the touch!
I still haven't forgotten that apron - gotta do the school clothes thing first, haha - but now I'm excited to see what new designs you'll have.
I'm going to make it part of my "photographer" attire - I am so tired of searching for lost lens caps when my capris are pocketless...
Get yourself some lip gloss, girl, get two!
Love your collages, they make me want to pack up my backpack and go, why, just cause I wanna!
Great creative solution to Lucy Mae's kitty crunchy cafe. I don't know why girl doggies do this, our girls did it even as adults, very strange and very yukky. My solution was a covered litter box, but that didn't always work. But, they are so darned cute and ya gotta love them!
Have a great, fun, creative weekend!
Jacquelene Langeman
Toronto, Canada
I have thought of you a billion times lately...why? because of the constant advertising of LA Ink on TV. The woman is an ARTIST of the first order. she blew my mind when I first saw her on Miami Ink.
Hi Dawn!
I have been lurking here for quite some time, but you have lured me out! I just have to tell you that your litter box solution is brilliant!!! I'll have to put one together for my mother, as she was having the same problem!!! Thanks!!!
hey d,
i'm puttin' my name in for the drawing, since i'll be in need of a treat soon...baby is a comin' this thurs. wish me luck and prayers and all that...
Girl, this monkey loves you. Thank you for always being a ray of sunshine.
PS - I LOVE my urban apron!! And my collage too, it's hanging on the wall in my happy spot.
How did you know I needed a new lip gloss? Lol. Count me in for your treat drawing. Hope your weekend is going stellar!
did you totally love her preview clip? kat van d rocks! i am so psyched for this show. (she's the artist who inks my favorite rock star too.) a friend of mine almost got on her show....maybe another time. i'll be watching with you!
Those are the coolest aprons ever!
Love your travel cards, Dawn. Even your aprons have that Dawn Collage touch :-)
Your urban aprons are great, and so you! Lotsoflove to u~
Hey, why stop at lip gloss. I'm feeling the need for a new body lotion, too. :-) Always, always, always lifts my spirits.
Love the collage, and the "let's just do it" story.
hello grrrrrrrrrl!!! *grin*
i have to say i love the flow of your collages. good stuff gal!
ok! and your urban aprons are swanky faBulous!! LOVE! *grin*
so, i'm signing my name right here......
____Tracey Sunshine!____
So how do you keep the litter from spraying. Guess I just have diggers in my box as they throw it everywhere. Thankfully it is in a closet so contained and no puppy issues, just a long haired kitty that occaisionally has klingon issues. :)
Love all your stuff and yes I can't wait to see LA ink since I think Kat was the best of the Miami ink crowd. JMHO!
That World of ETSY should be smokin' with your fab little store bubbling full blast!
Excuse me while I go over and gaze at the world of tattoos again. Always the Tatto Bridesmaid, never the Tattoo Bride!
Love every dang post on this blog, oh, and you.
Well I could never brave the pain of a tatoo, although last summer Jack and I were at a bar and the Jagermeister girls were giving henna tatoos. I picked a chinese symbol for happiness and she put it on the small of my back right where my low-rise comes. I never felt so sexy in my life! Too bad it washed off in a few weeks lol.
Love your aprons girlfriend!
I just found your blog! How cool! It's been forever since I've seen you. Looks like you're life has changed quite a bit. Do you still live in the neighborhood? I'd love to catch up with you.
Hi Dawn!
Kitty roca!!! Bwahahahahaha...I spit iced tea all over my monitor!! Perfectly descriptive name! Leave it to Fiwa to come up with something that great!!
And now I'm off to get that lipgloss!!
Love you girly girl,
have been following your blog for a few weeks now. I have known your art via your rubber stamp designs which I really love a lot! So I decided to join in the fun for the drawing. Thanks for doing this!
Just found your blog. What a fun read...love the aprons too!!! Off to check out your Etsy site!!!
My lipgloss melted in the new bag I made ... wadda mess. I'm off to Lush to buy a new lipgloss. Lime flavour. I'll keep it in an oilcloth pouch.... I am definitely an armchair traveller. Here I am -- surfing the WORLD. The internet is so cool..... too bad I can't soak up the sun while I'm cyber surfing.
Love your collage and love the aprons...I love aprons and collect vintage aprons. I just found your blog and I really need to check your Etsy shop!!!
what a great collage.
Love the collage. I've been meaning to ask someone, where do you get the sparkly letters?????
I will be back.
Cool aprons! Looking forward to finally getting to see you again in the upcoming months :-)!!
Hey, Dawn! Thanks for being one of the few adults in my life who doesn't question my crazy ideas. In fact, I think you get as much of a kick out of my adventures as I do! Vacay joy continues as my teenage Disney darlin' has found her inner Tinkerbell.
Love your collages! You've inspired me to squirrel away loose change for future travel. Sans passport, it's fun to just dream about the faraway places they depict.
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