yesterday was crazytaxiday. i was at the high school four times to take, pickup, bring back and pickup. you can ask...it was summer midterm finals. in between, i got to meet my sweet boy's girl's newest pig, jack. ozja got him a couple of months ago and one of those proudmothermoments is that my son wouldn't think twice about getting in a back seat and help hold jack (and he is huge, like quarterback huge!) until they got him to his new home...and even prouder moment is that his type of girl is someone who wouldn't bat an eyelash to do it, either.
jack is supersweet and cumbersome. he makes you want to don a bikini and roll around in the mud with him. that kind of cute. (pssst...jack, call me.) if you know my daughter, she is one of those bighearted girls who wants to bring home anything with working lungs. she has wanted a pig forevah, but pigs and roses don't mix...and i like my grass.
fourth of july was seriously the best ever. the three kids and i spent the day chillin' and then went over to sage & carrie's apartment and chilled some more. it was so much fun. we played with their pet rat, basil and later, caleb's ferret, jacqueline sparrow. (oh, yes, and babygirl wants one of each.) it is quite surreal to be a guest in your own child's apartment and his friends' new apartment.
i tip my hat to this weekend with plans of making stuff all weekend while blowing kisses to jack.
oh.my.god. Are those TEETH?!
How can you call anything with teeth like that cute?!
ok...MAYBE around the eyes a little bit. he does sorta look like beast from beauty and the, when you look at his eyes.
that's a pig? what an unusual perspective. great. it kept me guessing and guessing.
Awwww... I love this!!
(Psst... thank you for da Flickr comments. I don't know how to reply, so you know. Hrmm...)
Things that make you go hmmm?
Micah and I are also pet rescuers.Bob used to call it Snow White Syndrome.
No giant pig yet, but I remember when he moved out to school and left me the ratty. Some people were shocked that I had a studio rat. This rat-woman was college degree kinda smart.
That photo is tricky to figure out, but in a good way!
Power to the Pigs!
I love the life you lead!
He reminds me of an old boyfriend of mine. Well, that's not a very nice thing to say....about that poor sweet piggie. I'm sure his personality is way nicer than that old BF!!
You go girl, get into that bikini and get muddy!
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