when i brought these home, i promised babygirl that i would keep them filled. as scary as it could be, i would love to get my chronic jar&type fetish analyzed. oh, dr. dre, where art thou?
1) i wish i had known the man that previously owned these jars. he was my friend's beloved uncle and i know that we would have been as thick as thieves. i bought two pairs of his indian sandals, some plates for the cafe et vin table and two vintage tux shirts which i will sport, come the unhot season (november, for you nontexans).
2) the anticipation of waiting for rain is almost as wonderful as the actual rain itself. i want an unplug-the-computer kind of storm. bring it on.
3) if i didn't need my sturdy car, i would drive either a vintage ranchero or an el camino. something pimpalicious that could hold dirt.
4) i go to bed smiling about the next morning's coffee.
5) parker posey, i adore you. really, i do...but girl, why did you do fay grim? you, too, jeff goldblum. someone, puhlease, take their crackpipes.
I love your quirky self, girl!
The way your mind works is so much fun.
PS - I'm going to get taking the #6 as soon as I have a little xtra moolah - you'll hear from me soon!
Hey, we got that kind of storm, didn't we?
I would have a Classic Bronco. Or an Impala.
Fay Grim sounds good - it wasn't??
I would have snapped up those glass jars in a heart beat, as well.
I love vintage stuff, too. You need to take a pic of those plates you bought for the cafe et vin table, along with the other cool stuff.
Great jars. You are the Treasure Seeker/Finder of the Universe.
I just LOVE your Daily Soundbites of Reality. They make me flat-out happy.
Thanks for the FAYE GRIM tip.That was on my list...oy.
Love to you, Darling San Antonio Girl.
"unhot season" ahahahaha!! My sister calls it that too. she lives in McKinney, tx.
Great jars!
Ooo, I wish my doc used Nutter Butters for tongue depressors!! Yummo! I love the jars...and I love even more that you promised VV to keep them full!! Good mama!!
Love ya girlo
You find the coolest things, Mizz D. And I love that you knew the owner.
just discovered you via your comment on Chris Brown's site - love your jars, ink, and mosaic table
peace out
Today was the day we had to have final grades in. I am free to be me again and I had to check into your blog first thing. I can always depend on you to give my day a lift. I almost missed the whole month of June. Your new tat is beautiful. Normal people would have just a single rose. You have a whole botanical illustration. Your picnic basket reminds me of the straw market in Montego Bay -- happy memories of hanging out with my grandmother and choosing an embroidered hat or basket. I so love those jars. Who makes those peanut butter cookies? I don't think we have those in Canada.
i can totally see why you'd use a nutter butter as a tongue depressor!
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