in new hampshire, we lived in a haunted farmhouse. the couple who built the home & farmed the land had decided to stay. it wasn't until we bought this home that i understood why someone cannot let go sometimes, why you choose to stay in a cold farmhouse instead of somewhere a bit warmer with no bills.
after heavy soulsearching and numbercrunching, we are staying put. it would be a lie if i told you that my heart had not broken when asked to sell this home and leave my garden, a home that we have shaped with our hands, backs and hearts. my heart did break but sometimes you have to get over yourself, dry the tears and keep on keeping on.
you have no idea how happy my heart feels at this moment. the one thing that i had banked on was that i would have one last spring here to smell the first rose of the season, to see what bulbs the squirrels had missed, to see my birds make nests again and to see the garden burst out of her bra. as the birds are darting & swooping with nest material around here, we are pushing the old material out of ours. the intense purging and replumping of our own nest is something that i am thankful for. that and way more springs here.
I am celebrating your choice and dancing on the table. Don't you love it when you labor over a decision, careful to "do the right thing" and then decide: THIS is the answer?
Everything clicks and the effort and fretting just melts away.
I'm SO happy for for you, the family, the house and the garden.
Well done.
Oh Dawn....I know it's been tough. But I'm kinda selfishly glad your staying put. Now I get to continue sharing gardening memories with you...and if Mike I ever make our way over in your neck of the woods (which we've talked about this past couple of years) then maybe I can bask in the gloriousness of your garden! Because honey we'll *never* make it up to NY...hahaha....
I know, so selfish aren't I?!
Oh yay!!! I'm so glad to hear this good news! My heart was breaking for you at the thought of you having to leave your garden and home that you have worked so hard over. I'm so glad you're staying put.
Happy spring to you sweets!
P.S. "and to see the garden burst out of her bra" *Snort* girly, you gots a way with words like no otha!
Well that was cool news! Guess the furbabies are happy they aren't going to have to take a longer ride than to the vets. Here's to the best SPRING ever!
Great news Dawn! Now maybe I will get to see you in SA after all! Texas is the place to be.....
You have put so much of yourselves into this home and I'm thrilled that you get to stay in it.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I'm glad you've both made a decision you feel good about. :)
All things happen for a reason (I am convinced of that) if only to make us take stock of what we have.
So glad to hear that a burden has been lifted from your heart. I can even sense the relief in your posting. :-)
If it feels good, then it's the right decision. You'll get to see your garden "burst out of her bra" again. I love how you described that.
Almost forgot....great nest picture!
so wonderful to have a major decision behind you..we lost our farm houase in a fire a few years ago and thought about just selling the property and moving someplace "easier"-less land,closer to the school,etc. but decided on re-building here and i am so glad-there is nothing like owning your own piece of the world and making it personal-who else could appreciate the old apple trees that you have lovingly brought back from the brink,who else would know where the Trillium blooms,who else would know that back behind the old apple trees in a grassy spot Nasturiums come up every year so we do NOt mow that area. here's wishing you a bountiful Spring.
What a relief I sense in your post! Home is where the heart is, so if your heart is here, then by all means stay put. Not that I can imagine you ever staying put, but still... Guess we'll get the chance to see that Mrs.B.R.Cant hedge after all.
I'm very happy for you Dawn, but more than anyone I believe that you especially you would put your heart and soul into creating a home and garden, a warm nest for you and yours wherever you go. So don't be afraid if things change again. For now I will look forward to seeing more pictures of you fabulous home and garden.
So, you are staying in Texas huh? When it is the right time to move on, it will feel right in your heart. You do sound relieved, my friend. I am happy for you. Beauregard sends many puppy kisses and I send hugs!
Well I'm happy for you of course, but selfishly I WAS hoping you'd be a little closer to my vissinitay.
Rock on.
I am so glad you're staying! I can't imagine working so hard on a house and letting it go!
It was great visiting with you this AM!
I thought about your impending move from time to time, especially with the intense weather we've been having up this way, wondering how you'd garden, find great thrift (NYC, from what I hear, is well picked over), and bask your beautiful vizog in the sunlight while taking deep lung-fulls of sage brush and floral aromas, listening to the lazy hum of bees on a bright day. I know you'd adapt, but there are so many of us "adapting" here in the city, complaining about the lack of parking, the cost of sushi, and boy! that hotel they're building two blocks away, and so on... We need your wild horse spirit for vicarious living and dreaming.
Congrats to all of you - Happy Day from Janet FAP in Denver. I am so glad you don't have to leave your heaven on earth. I know you would have made that anywhere you go but now that you are staying - so much easier and better fung shei by clearing out and cleansing your soles. Thanks for having the trunk show! Love, JFAP
That's awesome!! Did you sell everything already?
you're living the dream of lots of people in your farmhouse. most of us romantics are envious of your situation. i love the eggs and nest. such lovely colors. what kind of bird laid them?
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