Sunday, October 01, 2006

this place before

well, it was too hot to firepit friday night. miz L spent the night with V and the boyscalling has begun. seriously, page & i go to bed at 9 or 9:30 every night, at the latest. boys (just two, but over & over which felt like twobillion) called with the same question "whooooooooooo dooooooo yooooooooou like?", just like the caterpillar smoking his hookah in alice in wonderland but picture him at a coffeehouse and caffeine&sugar has gotten the best of him. (yeppers, it ain't pretty.)

in order not to wake up the girls by grinding espresso beans yesterday morning, i lugged to starbucks for our coffee to bring back and nurse our disruptedsleepcrankiness. once the girls woke up, they found me outside with the garanimals & coffee on the bench in the potager. L looked around and sighed "and to think that i remember this place before you did all this!" --- that really made me happy. cheers to friends since preK (such a foreign concept to me who moved around and back & forth), to restorative rain and to the will to change the idea of 'just grass' with a little back work.

in celebration of 'this place before', i had to take a photo of a corner of the garden now, as of yesterday morning with my coffee next to my right foot, after the girls scampered off to the left to make waffles.

the house is clean, clothes washed & cleansheets wallowed in...but i didn't get a chance to get my truckload of mulch. so, that is next saturday's agenda. we watched two movies --- lovely & amazing (huge catherine keener fan here) and hard candy (so not boring...loved it!) and today, i have to do the yardwork sans mulchspreading.

the quote of the weekend was from L (when she called back the girls' good friend after page put an end to the phoneringing. poor C called after all of the boys had called all night & got the "don't ever call here again!" & phone slam):
"oh, you just caught mr. houser at the wrong time!"
seriously, that girl should work for the UN.

(oh, and the girls never divulged their crushes. their report cards don't call them smart without a reason.)


Anonymous said...

delightful read!

i really like the calls after know the ones that startle you out of a deep sleep, with your first breath & thought preparing you for disaster - you answer...and the coward hangs up.

Anonymous said...

sorry... almost forgot - beautiful view & corner. landscaper awed as well as i.

Scheherazaad said...

Beautiful. You know I love your house. After the boys started calling we took the phone out of our room.

Anonymous said...

Oh to wander around in your garden at dawn with a hot cup of coffee in hand...