*sigh* the newest members of our family circus.
1) we are already crazy in love with these two teacup piglets. clementine and ralph are 10 weeks old. the sweet couple from whom we adopted them had them litterbox-trained already.
2) they were shaky at first yesterday on the tile and wood floors, but have mastered iceskating on high heels.
3) at some point this week, i promise to film them with a spoonful of peanut butter. they are crazier than shoshanna in this scene of girls from hbo.
4) clementine is mos def gonna get a pink tutu to wear.
5) the girl says that all we need is an elephant to complete our family.
Adorable. I wonder what the rest of your circus thinks of the newcomers :-)
Oh, how CUUUUUTE! I love them! How big will they get?
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