Saturday, September 10, 2011

unworry and be

coral bougie
patiopatio walkway

ten years ago tomorrow, i dropped off my three kids at their schools and had turned on the computer to work on a project. i still remember the first image that yahoo had projected about the world trade center, just minutes after it happened. i remember freaking out about my kids not being home and safe, though they were safe and in lockdown position. 9/11 is my generation's (the x generation) version of traumaticmemory of president kennedy's assassination.

making a moment of peace unknots a moment of terror. starting a day with hope unties a day of despair. living a life of trust unravels a life of fear.

tomorrow will find me working on projects for class, ordering my studio and taking some time to stop to unfuss in the garden. to unworry and just be. maybe, we can all do that and make a ripple.

ten years. wow.


Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful garden. Its the perfect place to unworry.

Anonymous said...

I love that, Dawn. Unworry.

Your bougainvilleas have certainly thrived during the drought and one zillion days of 100F temperatures.