the wonderful thing about organization is that you can put your paws on things immediately. that is dang marvelous.
while demonwrestling in the studio, i found my baby mittens, my vintage italian sunglasses that i thought i had lost, my small collection of wheat pennies, my glitter stash and my mailing labels. unbelievable, really.
over the semester break, i had a long list of things that i needed to do to make the spring semester run more smoothly. it was a basic home overhaul. my goal was to have a place for everything and to make it easier to have my sweet old brooklyn (who is completely blind now) able to navigate the house.
the past two years of downsizing was really a bear, yet i would wager that i am probably 85% done with it. i will continue to weed out the house and get rid of more items. the good thing about this overhaul is that it kickstarted my etsy shop. i am really grateful for that.
*sit down*
studio arancione is finished.
now, on to painting & organizing another room, mitering floorboards and tax preparation.
I needed a smile so bad after this day, and came here - and wasn't disappointed. What precious mittens. And I have a wheat penny collection myself. :)
Can you see if you can find my bug suit in there? I haven't seen it in two years...
: )
When you're finished, you're coming to my house to help me, right?????? :-)
Disorganization and mayhem have no chance when you're around.
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