Sunday, May 10, 2009

theodore finn

theodore finn

when you turn your head,
love comes knocking on your heart
and whispers 'mother!'


Sis said...

Aw, how precious...another puppy, Dawnie? Your house (and heart) runneth over, lol.

And we have 5 more kittens too. :)
XOXO from one "mother" to another...and welcome to Teddy Finn.

KathyA said...

How sweet and little!!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

A big AWWWW.

Cheryl said...

What a sweet thing. A whole lot of love in a handful.

Babsarella said...


fiwa said...

Look at his teeny tiny clawz! They look they've been painted pearlescent pink. Love him.

Anonymous said...

They just come rolling into an Open Heart with warm and tender hands....