Thursday, May 07, 2009

clair de lune

clair de lune

she had me at 'i want to learn how to play clair de lune, mom.'

forty-four years and four days ago, my mother named me after her mother. with the gift of a namesake, i was swaddled by my grandmother with the gift of an upright piano.

with twelve years of classical lessons and twenty-two years away from my beloved piano, it was delivered to me yesterday as a gift from my mother on her mother's birthday and i, in turn, gifted the original gift to my daughter who is named after my grandmother, as well.

we opened the bench and found my old clair de lune sheet music. imagine that.


Sis said...

Now...that's just sweet.

KathyA said...

Wow! Some things are just meant to be.

realityphotography said...

oh, ok. well. that just gave me chill bumps.

valerie said...

all of your posts are so beautiful and encouraging! i've always wanted to play piano growing up. i never had lessons. now, because of curtis, we've had a piano in our house for 4 years now... i've taken it for granted. i feel too old to learn the language of music. but maybe with some time off this summer i can learn a little bit from youtube videos or something.

i also love your garden! curtis and i went and bought all the supplies for our picket fence today. so excited!

A bird in the hand said...

12 years of classical, 22 years of absence, Clair de Lune..... are you me, or am I you???

My absence from teh piano has been longer, but there was never any room in my small space...
play it again, girl!