Wednesday, March 11, 2009

excellenz von schubert

excellenz von schubert

excellenz von schubert is the first rose to bloom this season. this polyantha has already started her first beautiful reach over the stone wall in front of the house. that stonewall is one of my most favorite things about this house. it travels the perimeter of the property and it seemed to want to cradle a garden. my grandparents had a similar boundarywall in front of their house and many summer days were spent lollygagging on it.

this is my first spring in this new old home. over the holidays, i moved a fenceline and built a path to it and it is starting to feel like a gardenhome. a light pink crepe myrtle will play the wingman to the crazyfuschia of the bougainvillea planted on the other half of the stonewall in the front.

life has not been my own lately without a spot of time to lollygag. timeconsuming projects, work and the daily catchup has been sucking my time. the only thing that can cure the mad dash of it all is the thought of the dumptruckload of soil that will be delivered next week. i have the last bit of the yard mapped out for two huge potagers. my vision is to semi-live off the land and hopefully those kitchen gardens will help meet that goal. after i get the dirt in, i will finish rocking the surrounding paths, hang out with family, work on upcoming deadlines and call it a restorative week.

lollygagging is what i plan to do on st. patrick's day and hope our irish president gets a chance to do the same.


Sis said...

I can hardly wait for Spring break to get my hands dirty goal is to kitchengarden a bit too, this year. I already have a great start on some lemongrass, did you know that stuff will root, just take it out of the fridge, dip it into some rooting powder, and stick it in a pot under the florescent light at the sink? lol

Love evs, he looks like he's flirting with me a bit and I like it.

Gin said...

I'm feeling the same as Sis. I am so pumped for spring break! Our ground will probably be too frozen then to do much gardening, but I can sure get it all down on paper!! It was 16 degrees here this morning...blaaaa!

Hope you're well sweets!

BR said...

So happy that you're back to your blog!! I, too, am awaiting spring and have many plans for my yard. It is official on the 20th you know. Now, if the snow would just stop - that would be FABULOUS!! Happy night.

KathyA said...

The rose is beautiful; does it have fragrance? Your garden plans sound wonderous! I can't wait for photos.
I'm gardening all I can of our property. I wish I had more space to do more.

Marilyn said...

I feel the same way about stone walls. There is something solid and secure about them, plus you can walk on top of them, bounce a ball against them and even plant roses on them! :-)

We're going to try to eat more out of the garden this year, too, IF the critters will let us. I've already had squirrels digging in the lettuce. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

fiwa said...

MMMM... that rose is so beautiful. I'm envious of your beautiful weather. Every time I think it's going to be a good day for cleaning up in the garden, it starts snowing again. Crazy weather.

I hope you find some down time soon, girl.

love you,

Anonymous said...

..if you lived next door to me, I'd have the MOST rockin''d be my "go-to", over-the-fence YODA, only tall, human and gorgeous.

Alison Gibbs said...

Hope you can do some 'lollygagging' before St Patricks Day.

A bird in the hand said...

those Irish.... they're everywhere.

love from
Miz Irish by marriage