Saturday, June 21, 2008

the cut & hustle

glasses that made the cut!

v's ballet recital was last night at the lila cockrell and she received her fiveyear award and promotion to pointe, so on this homefront, this is huge.

i am waiting for morning light to go out and start selling the items that didn't make the cut for the next house since there is no room in the new old inn.

the goal for this twoday garage sale is to not have any of this stuff left and to have the appropriate cash in hand to pay the movers to move the big stuff for me on monday. i will come back and pack a u-haul with all of the boxes on tuesday or wednesday.

newsflash & permission approved: if you were ever to run into me ever looking at candles or in the tea section of a market, you can officially bop me upside the head, bunny foofoo style. please.

the most exciting part is that we get to sleep "in real live beds!" (as v exclaimed) on monday in our real live new old house and that i reactivated my netflix account after all of this move hoopla... season three of weeds will be there on monday. i have missed netflix this month. it's the best boyfriend that a girl could have.

we transported three of the cats on wednesday and will arrive with the other two and our three dear, i believe the clampetts just arrived. i miss my babies, but had read & then been told about having them get situated in the new house before you move so they know it is home. i would have taken all five at once, but we couldn't get our paws on them all at once.

i guess the moral of the story is even if you think you cannot bear to pack another box or organize yet another garage sale, just try taking one step, even if your bones say 'oh, hell naw.' just do it. somehow, mojo kicks in somewhere along the way and you just might surprise yourself, girl.

hopefully, i will have snippets of home to share this upcoming week. warning: i decided on orange for the studio. it saves energy since you walk by and think the light is already on.

mmmm...go green, go orange.


Sis said...

I can't wait to see, sweet girl...
and I think orange will be so 'morning has arrived' for you! A kick in the pants, like tart OJ or something.

A big ol' webhighfive for V, I'm sure she's worked her toes off for pointe - if I was there, I'd make her a special order pizza to celebrate.

Now that I know where you are, your books (and a little surprise, teehee!) will hopefully be coming to ya next week.

Love you, Dawniegal and I'm glad you're back here with us. Have a great sale!

Anonymous said...

here's to hoping your sales events are well attended!

Diane said...

O, please don't tell my husband that orange is the new green, because then we would be painting all our walls orange! ;)

Gin said...

I love the idea of orange walls! It's going to look yummy!

You are such a busy girl. I'm so happy that you're almost there!

V has been in ballet 5 yrs??? Wow, time flies when you're en pointe, eh? Congrats on that huge honor! I'll bet you're one proud mama.

I hope you post some pix when you get all moved in.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I'm hoping the sale is exceeding all hopes and expectations.

Rachel said...

Moving sucks. But it seems your handling it really well. Oh, and yay for V!! =D

(Orange is a good choice.)

A bird in the hand said...

It's that last push that gets it done. Here's to tuesday when you'll be moved, lock, stock, and real beds. love xoxox

martha brown said...

Good Luck! As one who has just been through it all, I commiserate with you entirely. Keep your chin up!

Marilyn said...

Don't you love it when a plan comes together! You're nearing the finish line, Mz. Dawn.

Congrats to V. We're proud of you, too.

As far as the kitties and pooch go, as long as they see their beloved family ( and their water and food dishes, of course) they will know they are home.


fiwa said...

1. Congratulations to V!! That is terrific and I bet she is really proud of herself.
2. I hope the garage sale went well and all your stuff was snapped up. I would not bop you for buying a candle, I would say "Let's go and burn it right away!" And then toss it.
3. I was just thinking I should netflix Weeds. I have a lurve crush on that woman, ever since Billy C. dumped her when she was pregnant. She held her head high.
4. I never thought about all that you'd have to do with moving the grranimals. My mind is boggled - moving is hard enough without all that to attend to.
5. Orange - you know *I* love it. I love the way it glows almost flourescent when the sun hits it just right.
6. You're on the down hill slope now girl - specially since being Monday, the movers are hopefully doing their thang. Chin up, it's almost done.
7. I have missed you so much. I haven't had my fill of sass in a long time.


Brown Bee Studio said...

Psssst....hey prettybusymovinghousesutffmakergirl...when you catch your breath, check out what's waitin' for ya at my spot! =0] xoxo's for all ya'll....