
this was one of those demons that you face. honey, you just have to do it. i had filing that needed filing since march, art being made in chaos, a life i had known for twenty-one years kicked to the curb and children to raise. the machine simply could not stop.
our theme song at our house is ice cube's you can do it.
oh, hellz can do it if you put your back into it.
the afterparty:

on the first day of school, i am certain that my kids will write 'what i did this summer' at least once. so, here is my ode to that milliondollah question.
1) i did it and put my back into it.
2) i realized that i would rather not run with someone than just be someone's 'good run'.
3) the human spirit is amazingly resilient and God truly does have our backs.
4) i learned how to unlock a bathroom door from the outside.
5) i learned how to keep my pool clean and how to check the chemicals.
6) everything really does have its own place.
7) i finally got my first tattoo that i have been wanting since my brooklyn days and finally got my nose pierced this week.
8) a girl can make her cake and eat it, too.
9) roses of success really grow out of the ashes of disaster.
10) bret michaels is kinda hot and i forgive him for that freaking headband action.
Hoowee momma! You done good! :0)
I'm even more encouraged by your success in getting your studio together. I can't wait to see your new ink and nose ring! I've had ink for a LOOONNG time now, but I never had the guts to pierce my nose...I wear nerdy girl glasses and I always thought it would be too much! lol
You've gotta be one of the coolest chicks EVER!
i CAN NOT believe you have GIN&JUICE on your music selections
ha ha ha ha ha ha
thats one of my absolute favorites!!!!!!!!!!! and fuck me pumps.. ha ha ha ha .. and summer love
i love you girl.. thats some major shizzle you got done!
You're awesome, Dawn. :)
Looks GREAT!!!
And you got your nose pierced?? A stud or hoop???
I am speechless... Your studio is awesome...a tatoo and piercing??? hell I am 51 and still a ear pierced virgin. Dang woman YOU ROCK! I love it that you are a phoenix and know all about pool chemicals and such and your positive attitude about life speaks for itself. You got it hon...
Way to go Dawn. You must have worked your butt off to do that filing!! So glad you can now make your cake and eat it!
Mz. Houser,
Sorry I haven't been around lately! You studio looks fantastic. I wish I could see you nose peircing; I just got my ears peirced for the first time!
Happy birthday Sage! =D
w_o_w! your studio looks great, collage ready! I am feeling better about my own cleaning project now - thank you for the inspiration - I know I will get there too.
7. When do we get to see - and did it hurt??
10. Have you seen him w/out the headband?? It's WORSE. Keep the headband on Brett!
Keep kickin' ass girl.
Oooooh! You done good!!! Of course, MY mess is bigger than YOUR mess was!!! [grin]
I seriously love your pierced nose pictures. You look so introspective!
And I STILL think that tat needs to be made into a rubber stamp!!!
I have to sit down..oh yeah, I AM sitting down. You are a hurricane consisting of: Beauty/Intention/Funk/Sass and now a nose piercing?
yes, we all have to see that. Ya know? I think that it's the cherry on the sundae.
I bow to you, oh Role Model of Deliciousness.....
This WAS one major summer, dear friend. The livin' may not have been easy - but it was deep, wide, far, and satisfying.
Loved your personal summary. Thanks for 'putting a bow on it!'
I think you are my new hero! You've got it all together & are marching forward.
Loved what you said about putting one foot in front of the other. Reminds me of something someone once told me: "You'll never gain momentum by standing still."
I'm sooooooo proud of you.
Gee I still have one of those before rooms, it's called close the door. :) But then again it is an extra room that isn't really used so I can put it off a while longer. Did find the rest of the house this weekend. Love the piercing, and since I'm a needle phobe the ears will have to be it. Enjoy your week!
I'm definitely impressed! And you have blinds on the windows - though I liked the whimsy of your scalloped shades.
Wow, I love your studio too...I can relate to the mess...I am looking at one very similar. Maybe I'll let you be my inspiration and get mine cleaned up too!
And I'm listening to Santeria! Kick ass music while I read your blog. How great is that!
Bughugs babee
you are just so good and my inspiration (well, except for the brett michaels thang).
oh, gal your space is fabulous! messy or not! *grin* but, i have to say.. it looks damn good!
Thanks for the great music. I'm a teacher back to work this week and my CD player "disappeared" over the summer. How did you get that on your blog? I also just love your site, gives me lots of inspiration, especially seeing your well organized studio!!
I gotta give you props on this one Dawn~I would float backwards down a high speed set of rapids before I would pierce my nose~~~you got the guts is all I can say!~Oh, man, "The Dreamer's Disease" just came on your little music thang you have goin' on~way cool~~~oh, now "Que Sera, Sera"~I gotta tell you that I sang that song in a singing group in 4-H called "The Little Sweet Teens"~my what memories are going on in my 50 year old head tonight~~~~
Oh My! It is You - yes, you - beautiful you! I love that piecing and think it looks grand. Fabulous deary.
so that's the trick? put your back into it! now i have the recipe....might try a studio overhaul myself.
clean slate. it's all so good.
oh, and ink and nasal stud to remind you every time you look in the mirror that you're a new girl on a new empowered path.
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