this house is teeming with new life again. friday, my friend portia (with deb here in spirit) brought our lucy mae and blossom to us. lucy mae is a stinkerbell in the truest pedigree. she is half chinese pug and half bichon frise and as adorable as the day is long. this little puppy has made one little girl very very happy. is the world ready for lucy mae? well, it had better fasten its seatbelt.

blossom coretta ford is the newest kitty at 418. can i tell you how chill she is? she was born to sleep on our bed. we adore this little blossom. what strikes me over and over is how unharmed these little bebes are. they don't know heartache and cruelty and only know love & kindness. smiles begin with one smile.

between deadlines, new lovemonkeys and life itself, you can imagine the love chaos here. the weekend was wonderfully restorative, love-in-your-lap kind of good. these bebes are the most precious gifts from the most precious friends and herald a new chapter in our life...letz get it started in here.
life is too short
so get a puppy.
(or a kitten or both)
Ohhhhhh, ADORABLE!!!!!! Can't wait to meet them!!!!!
Oh how cute. :) Give them a pet for me.
What a sweet post. I'm grinning ear to ear right now.
Puppies and kittens are such bundles of energy and love. Enjoy your new babies!!
Big hugs to Lucy Mae and Miss Blossum.
How can those adorable faces be resisted!?!? Wonderful (and apt) additions to your family, Dawn :-)
Can I come play?!?!?!
double trouble! give them kisses on the nose for me. I love the last picture where they are cuddling...
Oh my.....I can feel the love just pouring out of your blog! It makes me all warm & fuzzy inside!
Ooooh! toooooo damn *cute*! thats all i have to say! *grin*
Ohhhhhh. Lucy mae I wuv you, woof! I so want to cuddle her. Look at that face, those eyes, that expression. xoxo
little black doggie
little white kitty
Ms. Houser! It's Rachel! I love you blog! =D [Unlike mine, as I lack in writing skillz.] Now all I need to do is get my mom on here.
They are both unbelievably adorable! Blossom seems like a crazy-cool cat. I really wish I could visit them. D'=
Adorable. There is a lot of love in your future.
Rosie said to say "woof" to Lucy Mae. She wasn't so sure about Blossom!! But I think they're both adorable!! Siamese kitties are so special and smart. I'll bet you can get her to fetch a milk cap ring!!
Love is in the air, fur sure!!
that makes everything right in the world. masses of love!
Oh my gosh, the cuteness overload is killing me!! Yay for new baby love!
You don't know it but I had a Siamese cat named Princess from the time I was 9 until I turned 24. She was my best friend and still, memories of her warm my heart.
I am in love with lovable Blossom - and Lucy Mae ain't too far behind.
Rough tongue kisses and puppy breath licks to you and VV....
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