these sleeping minimen used to be sleeping little boys. sage met jeremy in fourth grade (and boothe was in second) when we moved back to texas nine years ago. they were little boys then with littleboy fat, pockets chocked with pokemon cards and an itch to build a fort anywhere they could. they weren't the men of the house yet and had no idea what that responsibility would bear. during the years, they have grown up into these men with cell phones as umbilical cords.
the house is quiet on this Easter morning. they obviously gamed into the night as they did in the old days. as the mother of two of the three and a semisurrogate of the other, i walked in to get a refill on a cup of coffee and this sight made me catch my breath. the littleboy fat is gone, they now work and have their own money in real wallets and they all are the men of their own houses.
i used to want to know what tomorrow brings, but now i am glad that i don't. i am happy to know that today will bring a homecooked lunch for growing children, movies to watch and blankets to ward off this unseasonal chill. that is good enough for me today, this hour, this moment... as scary as new beginnings can be, this morning of Rebirth & Renewal is really a fine start to one.
Beautiful thoughts for Easter Morning and every morning.
I'll be lifting my tea cup in this cold (snow here on the Front Range) and toasting you and the Family.
Happy Easter to you and your family. My miniwoman/babygirl claims that she is not to old for the Easter bunny.
you are magic with turning words into feelings for your readers!
thank you. and happy holiday!
Beautiful, Dawn. Happy Easter.
happy easter to you & yours, sweets. stay warm.
You have written such a beautiful valentine to those mini-men. They were successfully launched into the world and you had a hand in that. Congrats...you've done well!
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