usually, i can see it coming. the old glaze and roll trick. the nongardeners at heart (for there are souls who are gardeners at heart but simply lack dirt) have perfected this. you start tawking about something in your garden and their eyes start glazing over out of sheer boredom and when you blink your eyes, they roll theirs. duh, like we can't see them. i used to think that we needed a secret gardenerhandshake, but honey, all i have to do is look at your nails.
this spirea was a fluke. i bought a pot of greensomething for a dollar. planted it and every march, i kiss it. all for a dollar. so, buy those unknown dollar buckets. everytime it blooms, i think of white lady banks roses. note to self: propagate more of this for other spots in the garden.

okay, you can see why i love texas mountain laurel, but i only wish you could smell why i love it. this is as close to lilacs as we get down here and lemme say, it will do. when we bought this house, we had one beautiful tree in the back on one side of the gate and a few little twiggytwigs on the other. immediately, i saw a future arch. those twiggytwigs are getting along nicely and starting to look like heaven.
back in the b.c. (before computers), we used to gather the red moutain laurel seeds and rub them really hard on the sidewalk and burn each other with them. those little buggers were as hot as cinnamon toothpicks. dang, those were the good ol' days.
when i get fed up with this studioorganizingbizniz, i complete other projects. the other morning around 7:30, i pulled everything out of the potting shed and reorganized it, prepped the potager beds and found two forgotten squashes perfectly dried and ready to grace the shed.

so, cheers to spring and her cousins and back to finishing this studio up cuz i just received a new deadline.
Don't you just love this time of year. We have another month before the lilacs, mountain laurels and azaleas will bloom here. The Bradford Pears are in full bloom with their green leaves quickly filling in. Guess we are going back for some cold weather today so enjoy your warm Spring. :)
Dawn dAwN DaWn! Kathy had just posted her TML and I thought it would be perfect in my garden! Can I have some seeds? Your spirea is beyond fabulous. It is very reminiscent of Lady Banks. Looks like it would be fragrant, too.
Even if one were NOT a gardener, this would be the place to inspire.
Beautiful photos and the descriptions are like our own garden tour. Thank you and can we see more after the Deadline?
Oh! I love that Spirea!!! I saw a pink one in a store here last year, but the white looks heavenly. I'll look into this. Yeaaaa! for gardening season! :)
I want your garden. No higher compliment can I bestow upon you.
In about a month, the lilac trees will blossom around here. That Texas mountain laurel is beautiful. I would want to eat it!
I have planted a Texas Mountain Laurel in my front yard. It has a ways to go before I see blooms, but I am anxiously awaiting the day! I know the smell you are talkin' about-it is just about the best...
love the photos of the sparklers,
close-ups of all the flowers.
The gourds look like bumpy dildos.
The flowers are beautiful. I bet
v's black cat is happy that you are
not moving back to the East coast.
Too bad you had to get rid of all of the dogs....maybe a good thing.
Keep taking photos. You are a keen
eye for realism and not-so-realism.
You rock and roll.
San Antonio, Texas needs you.
I keep coming back to look at the Spirea. :) It's wonderful!
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