i am the first one up in the morning with the routine below.
1) check for sage's shoes to make sure he got home the night before
2) turn on espresso machine
3) let the dogs out
4) feed the cats
5) feed the fish
sage leaves on sunday for college. life has opened up for him before the age of seventeen and we are so excited for him...but who am i gonna share david sedaris & augusten burroughs with or watch kickass korean films with? tell me that.
dude, if you read this, i love you.
I do the shoe thing too!! Only the type I'm looking for are either stilettos or flip flops.
I'm sure that the things you share with your eldest can not be substituted but at least you still have two others to share with.
amen to that! these two will keep me busy, for sure.
i'm sorry. it maybe little consolation but. . . i've been listening to augusten burroughs read 'possible side effects' the past week.
you make me more
xo xo xo
This kills me!
justyn, i bet AB's books on tape are wonderful.
i cannot wait to see how they translated running with scissors into a film, but with brian cox as the doctor, i think it might be righteous!
mizthang, xoxoxoxoxo! backatcha.
and karenbabe, enjoy every day. it is just around the bend for you. xoxoxoxoxo!
how about some conversation about amy sedaris?
honey, do you just luv her?
i am anxiously awaiting her new book in september.
is she not really beautiful or what?
i had no idea about a new book.......omg!!!
i am so looking forward to september!
brilliant and bladder-busting.
the link to her book.
i was wrong on the date...it is october!
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