i finally got a chance to take some more photos of the garden. each photo is clickable for closer views. the befores were taken mid-june 08 and the afters were taken two days ago.
this was really fun to go through the old photos and compare the difference in just nine months. last summer, i busted bootie before school started. at times, it was easier to weed than to unpack a house, so it was a nobrainer to make the exterior a priority. this summer, the interior will take a higher priority.
i worked with hidden existing beds, brickwork, etc to keep costs down. my costs were in the riverrock, cinderblocks and soil which i had garagesales to fund. i nab bags of leaves from neighbors' trashpiles for mulch. the patio & courtyard were weed-infested, but i would go out each night and work little areas at a time and have the kids talk to me while i did it. repurposed loads of bricks and rocks that were left on the property were used to finish up the brickwork on the patio and build flowerbeds.
on the left side of my property, i built a border and planted a hedge of osmanthus fragrans (tea olive), one of my most favorite plants of all. that border needs to be weeded in the next few weeks.
from the steps:
from the right back side:
i found a piece of old wall and used it as a corner edging here. it was freaking heavy, but i like how it suggests the remains of an old wall.
the patio:
the courtyard between the barnita & house:
from the left fence:
the patio from the left:
some extra shots:
as you can see with my figgylicious espaliering, i am a hack gardener. yarn, vintage door brackets, rocks were used to weigh down the fig tree branches. hack, hack, hack. this will be awesome to watch grow against the house.
all in all, i hauled 36 yards of riverrock for the premises and 10 yards of rosesoil for the potager. in the next garagesale, i am selling my lawnmower and edger since there isn't any grass left. once the last yard of rock is spread, photos will be taken of the front of the house. *squeee* i can't wait to see how the garden grows this spring and summer.
Friday, March 27, 2009
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girl, do you ever sleep ? nice job!
love that you got rid of the grass and i adore the stones......very zen, the outdoors looks very loved and cared for
What a labor of love. and it shows. will there be figs? Can I come and eat them? haha.
Dawn!!! Oh the work that you've done! And the splashes of color against the various rock covers G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!!
My fig tree is now three years old. Any idea how long before we'll get figs?
I'll start taking photos in a few days.
I love this all...you are a powerhouse!
And I still am so in love with your back steps. It's my favorite part of all of it.
Have I ever told you, you are my hero! :-)
Love, love, love the transformation. I am so glad you are doing before and after pictures to document how far you've come. Can't wait to see it all in full bloom and full harvest mode!!!!
Absolutely spectacular, Dawn! I love all the hanging-out spaces you've created. And the hedge of osmanthus? Swoon-worthy.
Thank you for sharing your amazing transformation. Incredible! You ROCK! XOXOXOX JFAP
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