Sunday, November 09, 2008

bravo, fo sho


this photo is just the candy wrapper to what lurks inside. click on it for the video. (the video doesn't start automatically, so click on the video's arrow once you are on their site.)

i think megan & cheryl have taken crafting videos to the next level and the bar has definitely been raised. girls, you need a crafting series on bravo, fo sho.


Rachel said...

The video was funny, and I really want to make one of those rings now!!! D: I need to find me some of that gooey stuff.....

Gin said...

Very fun!

Anonymous said...

It's times like these that I detest my oh-so-slow internet connection!

Brown Bee Studio said...

OM-Freaking-Gosh! That was a hootenanny fa sho! lmbo
Glad you're havin' some fun sugapie....yanno wut they say bout all work...;o)
xoxo Andie

Cheryl said...

What a hoot. And those boobies! If you got 'em you might as well flaunt them!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good dose of Cheryl and Megan to get the funny bone sharpened and the creativity goin'.

Those women are C R A Z Y.