Wednesday, October 01, 2008

chicken lover

cornelia en perch
strings attached

the babies are getting so big. maybe, it was the whitetrashsocializing for two weeks in my house, but chickens are just dang sweet. they fly up to perch on your shoulder, back or elbow and leave you to take photos cockeyed below.


fiwa said...

Oooh...look at those lovies! I just found out we can have 3 chickens in our back yard. I'm thinkin' on it. Now that I know we can though - I'm getting cold feet.

love you, chicken-lover.

~S said...

So how do the cat's like the new additions? :) We can have chickens in the city just not roosters, but we have wild predators from the forest behind so not a good idea for us. Our friends who live more in town have a chicken tractor that they move around the yard (ex.
Love your hens.

Sis said...

Aw. I love them.

Gin said...

How cute they are!! They grow so fast, don't they!! Won't be any time at all and you'll be gathering eggs. :)


valerie said...

oh, so cute! i remember a long time ago i held some chickens like babies and thought it was adorable how they fell asleep in my arms. then the farmer came out and yelled at me for making her chickens pass out. apparently they can't breathe on their backs. there were no fatalities, thank goodness... just love!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Those are beautiful chickens. I love the colors of the feathers.

A bird in the hand said...

Miss Chicken on your shoulder looks like an eagle!

You are my hero.

Sis said...

ROFL Valerie! That story made my day!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Damnation that makes me jealous! I want some chickens!

Growing up my best friend, John just happened to be a Bantam Rooster. Cute as a button! And cocky!!!! ;)

Love the pics! How sweet!

Marilyn said...

Love that first picture. What an interesting expression and posture!

Brown Bee Studio said...

Glad I came round your way to day momma! It was time for a new pic to go along with the new journey...and I LURRRVE it!

And damned if I don't wanna try raising a couple of featherbabies too....=0] xoxoxo

Rachel said...

They're really pretty! My dad loves birds, so he'd be especially jealouos! =D

Cheryl said...

That first picture is particularly amazing. That eye!

Diane said...

These are so cute, I love chickens too Dawn!