Tuesday, July 15, 2008



after less than fortyeight hours of wrestling with revelation, realization and resolution, i am back with my A-game and wrestled with new territory, the toilet.

maybe, i am the last woman to manhandle the toilet, but i figured out & changed out the floaty thang without calling a man. in the early spring at the old house, the other floaty thang had needed it and i had to hire my plumber, but was shamed afterwards by one of my student's "but, miss, that is so easy, even my grandma could do it!". so, a shoutout is in order to gabriel for shaming me into manning up.

the second truck was unloaded and i returned it this morning...so this week is full of unpacking.

oh, and belated birthday wishes to my mama. i was too tired to make her cranberry margaritas last night, much less drink one...but i owe her a few.


Brad said...

Well done you!

I'm not allowed to use Jay's tools.

He has good reasons.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Congratulations. I've done a few house things, but not that one.

realityphotography said...

can i cuss here?????????
nah. i better not!

rock on! <------said with much intensity.

ohhhhh, the next forty ... all yours!

Cheryl said...

I know the feeling of fixing the loo yourself. I used to always call my neighbor. At least she's a woman. I like a woman who knows how to use tools. I wanna be.

Sis said...

I wouldn't have expected you to do anything less...I've always known you could do anything you put your mind to!

Sis said...

Hey...look in the round thing between handle and tank - there you are! lol

Ms. O said...

Good Job on the toilet!!

When you finally get a chance to relax with a cranberry margarita...please post the recipe, it sounds delish!!

Anonymous said...

Here's to many more success stories!

fiwa said...

Color me impressed! I have no idea how to do that.

Are you at the top of the hump yet at least - with the unpacking? On the downhill slope? I hope so.

Happy Birthday to your Mama. My mama is here visiting from Houston. We are having so_much_fun together.

love you -

Gin said...

You rock! I love it when a woman can do a man thing like that! I've fixed my toilet a few times and I even fixed the tie-rod on my garden tractor once. Being a woman-on-her-own can bring out the best in us!!


MizCarla said...

hey cutie!

Congrats on fixing your potty all by yourself :D

I left you a little giftie over at my blog that you DESERVE!!

ps: I love me some DUFFY!

Anonymous said...

Dearest D-Rio
Happy Happy to dear Kay from Me. Please another cranberry extra one for me when you get around to it with her. I am so glad you are home. Love to you both and all. JFAP

Diane said...

Way to go...I tip my bowl to yours!

Karen Smithey said...

So glad you 'manned up' and fixed it yourself--cool handle, too...

I gave you a little award over at my place--hope you find time to come by...