a huge storm came through last night and the sky is blue like it is only after a gullywasher. more is slated for tomorrow. does it get better than that?
i actually have time to clean this weekend and i am so excited. the last load of laundry of the morning just needs to be folded and now on to mopping & scrubbing the house. no one warns you how exhausting having a house on the market can be. couple that with work, children and pets and you have a girl with no time for words or the computer. the house is spotless, but i get to deepclean this weekend and breathe a bit.
Dawnie, I just love the old stuff that you have around your house...it's the stuff I grew up with...
I love you girl. You are the only person I know who gets excited about a deep clean.
Enjoy your beautiful day.
Don't forget to make a little time for yourself sweets -
LOL. Don't forget that breathing part. It's important.
Oh, your pictures are simple and beautiful. GORGEOUS.
I'm jealous of the clean house. I don't seem to enjoy cleaning as much as you do, however...sigh...
Sweetcheeks, pass me summa dat cleanin' enthusiasm, wouldja hun? ;0]
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