well, well, well.
late yesterday, i got the call after fiddling with inspectors, quotes and final contract amendments for over a week. it is dang stressful to be in love with a house while knowing you shouldn't be just yet while the i's are not yet dotted and the t's are not yet crossed. it was hard not to talk about it since it could have fallen through or even own the fact that i couldn't talk about it.
okay, so i believe in signs, winks and nudges...and i was looking for them. after searching for homes multiple times each day for a few months now, i came home from work two weeks ago and found the house, called my realtor (who was a Godsend) and met her there the next morning.
the house had to be special… with a porch where we could shell peas in our converses, where my children would feel safe, where i would feel safe, from where we could walk to campus, from where we could walk to the square, from where we could ride our bikes to the river on topsyturvy summer days, where we could build new memories and traditions and not sigh at the dusty memories of the past, where we could raise smiles and chickens and where we could rock a swing to the rhythm of the falling rain...and He delivered.
i will be back in my hometown where both sets of my mother's grandparents raised their families with their heads held up high, in my hometown that raised my wild mother and helped her in turn to raise us wild kids, in my hometown that i couldn't wait to run from after i graduated from college, in my hometown that i turned my back on while lapping up what two coasts, bright lights, marriage and the raising of three children had to offer and back to my hometown that has welcomed me & my children (when we have been a tiny bit battletattered, but not broken) back with open arms.
to the sweet family who has been caring for it, i am most thankful. their sensitive aesthetic kept the house in its near authentic vibe.
for this leg of the journey, i am more than grateful.
thank You.
Congrats, Your cottage is adorable.
This will be an exciting adventure for you. I also just escaped SA to move back to my hometown that I couldn't wait to escape when I was a teenager...I have never been happier and I know you will be too.
best wishes
Oh Dawn how exciting.
It is a gorgeous home.
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments.
Happy Easter to you and the kids
A curse on blogger for eating my comment. A curse, I say.
NOW I see why there was so little detail in the email!
That is THE perfect cake of a house. I just want to eat it up. And you can walk everywhere!
I'm soso glad you waited for your hint. I couldn't put my finger on why those first two houses weren't right, but now after seeing this one, it's obvious that they weren't right because they weren't meant to be. This one was.
I am so excited for you. Shake that dust offa you and get on, girl.
Your everlovin fiwa
That place has always been yours. You just had to go home to it. I love it, congratulations. More pics soon please. XOXO
If I saw that house in a picture without knowing it was yours, I would have known it was yours...
And God - ain't He the coolest? He was smilin all along about seeing your face when you got His present...
Now...for the big question...how many roses will the backyard hold? hahahaha!
Love you, girlie - and I'm SO happy for you.
LOVE IT!!! it seems weird that we will not visit you over in the old neck of the woods anymore, but i actually think now you may be even closer with the way traffic is these days...can't wait for you to get settled, so that me and the kiddies can come say hi~
Congratulations Dawn! A new home, it looks so sweet and perfect, to create new memories and traditions and a new life in and a new garden, and a new creative studio space.
I wish you all the happiness your life can hold and may all your hopes and dreams come true.
Dawn, my friends and family always make me come do a walk around and a walk thru on houses before they buy them. It's this weird vibe I get on either the happiness or the sadness in a house. I can usually even tell if someone has died in a house. They want to know if the house "feels good" to me. JFTR, I get a really good vibe just looking at that little cottage!! It's a happy place and will serve you well. And that's without even a walk thru!
I also just love the gingerbread on the porch columns.
A cottage with gingerbread...it's YOU!!
And CHICKENS!!! I'm so jealous!! I want to move now! haha Maybe next year.
May God bless your new home with happiness and serenity.
Darlin' this is THE definition of "goin' home"! I know we don't really know each other, have never even met in person, but as sure as I read about you for the first time in Victoria mag, you belong to this house. I can picture you and the young'uns all gathered up on the porch hullin peas and sippin sweet tea, soakin up the sunrays and savorin the summer breeze. I couldn't be happier for you my friend! =0]
Happy happy day!
I love when things like this happen. It was meant to be and you deserve it in spades. xoxoxoxo
The house looks perfect! It just oozes warmth and coziness.
The perfect setting for making memories.
God always delivers when we need it most doesn't He? Beautiful house d. I know you will live there and spread much love to all who's around!
Dawn your new house is so lovely. Congratulations! Isn't it strange how sometimes we find ourselves full circle?
I'm so excited for you, and your kids. New adventure, starting back at school,old familiar hood.
I love it!!! I can't wait till you give us the grand tour!!!
this white house is so sweet and quaint. nothing is more exciting than finding the one... you'll have endless happy moments on your porch swing. i'll miss the photos of your amazing garden, but i know there will be lots of color in your new yard soon (and chickens!). congratulations! i hope you'll take all your blog friends on a tour when you're all settled in...
This looks like the home that's been waiting for you. Welcome back to where you belong!
Perfect home! What a lovely thing to find that you can go home again.
Dawn, I'm so very thrilled for you! To have found a place that is already so full of Home, in a location that is Home - how precious is that! God bless you, girl.
it's perfect.
Dearest D.
WOW back to SM you go + with your babies - too COOL!! It is grand how life works and your new set of kick ass curtains you have been sewing will look lovely in your charming house!
I wish my vespa could make it from here to there to pick you up and take us to the river. Don't squish the bailey's and cream again, OK?
I'm sooo happy for you! ='D I wish I could get a way from Dallas and move someplace else. The only thing that's keeping me sane in this huge city is my school. I can't wait to here how everything goes in the future. =]
oh gal! it's cute-as-pie!!! love it! *BIG grin* congrats!
soooo happy for you! it is overflowing with charm just like you :)
I am so happy for you -- your house is beautiful! :)
Sweet!!! I'm delighted for you, Dawn! Welcome home! :)
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