just take me as i am,
or have nothing at all.
-mary j blige
i want to look at life just as lucy mae looks at me. she doesn't apologize for stealing panties, chewing pens, raiding the catlitter box, eating more than her share, slopping at the waterbowl, chewing anything on the floor, pushing her way through the door, wrestling the cats and the other dogs or for being a pure brat. she simply lives life like there is no tomorrow.
this week, i was thinking about how my selfdefinitions have drastically & instantly changed in the past seven months and how some new definitions are filing in like little toy soldiers in their place. seven months ago, i would have not been ready for it...and now, i say 'bring it!'
i am no longer defined by the years i was faithfully married, the burdens carried or the love that was buried. what defines me is that i am and forever will be a Godtruster, mother of three, thingcreator, imagemaker, creaturecaregiver, encourager, laugher, musiclover, filmwatcher, hopemaker, puddlejumper, photographer, provider, lipglosshoarder, baker, treehugger, dartthrower, believerinhardwork, thoughtgatherer, friendforeverer, cheerleader, toiletbowlcleaner, outsideoftheboxer, incenseburner, networker, haikuwriter, listmaker, girlpowerspreader, coffeemaker, hoopjumper, rememberer, bedmaker, lifelover, foodcooker, bookreader, gardener, recycler, clotheswasher, treasurehunter, needleworker, nurturer, yougogirler, thrifter, crafter, blogwriter, smiler, smilemaker, sister, artmaker, youcandoiter, candlelighter, bootyshaker, and thinker(ofperhapstoomuch)...but like lucy, i want to look at life like it is my next snack and love it as much as it loves me.
Well put..you are all those things and much more!
Sometimes a good dose of healthy defiance works wonders as in "YOU think I can't do this, survive this, handle this etc...well, stand back and watch ME"!!!!!!!!!
Big Hugs
Well said miz D!
and you forgot...
inspirer dawnhouser!!!!
you forgot wisdomspreader and makeroffriendtears.
go kick some ass lovie.
....sometimes your words reach down to the very bottom of my heart....hugs and kisses to you today...
Preach on Sista...preach on! xoxo, Andie
P.S. How bout adding..."live like Lucy tshirt peddler"? I'd buy one in a NY second! ;o)
Good for you.
Just remember - you are special - an individual who deserves the best.
You go, you bughuger, you!
Well said...and did you know that my nickname at work is "Lucy"?
love ya and bughugs,
Lucy...er Ginni
Um, I'm not sure if I want to live like Lucy -- panty stealer? litter box raider? LOL --- well, better than living like my Andy -- floor licker, morning glory addict. Carpe diem!
Dawn, your Lucy is adorable.
the dawning of Dawn, in other words. Lucy is a perfect role model for all of us. xoxoxo
I did something weird and wonderful with something of yours and posted it on my blog.
Amen-rock on!!
Love it...and miz L is just adorable!!!
I love every bit of this post. It made me think of what I'm defined by.
Thanks for stopping by. And, btw, I never saw the needle.
this post is just filled with all kinds of goodness gal.
thank you for sharing ♥
an lucy mae is just too damn cute! *grin*
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